Friday, December 21, 2012


21 December 2012..
yeahh.. the DAY is here!! yay!!! nothing happen.. it's not like i'm expecting something happen anyway..
according to "Mayan Calendar" it will happen today.. no one knows when it will happen..
but it will.. someday.. don't know when.. the most important thing i think is to prepare our heart..
well.. i everyone call it DOOMSDAY but for me i like think in positive way and to call it "THE DAY"
The Day for me to be glad for what i hv done in my life
The Day for me to Let GO
and the most important thing is..
THE DAY for ME to meet my Savior..
if you ask me now do i want the world to end?
HELL NO! i'm not ready as a person.. as a 19th years old girl i have dreams.. and places i want to see and visit and of course sins i want to confess..
but do i want to stand before God? yes i want to.. =)

well.. just live our life to the fullest, be happy and great full

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'. 
Erma Bombeck
Read more at 

i know. not everybody like when people talks about religion and stuff.. but i just want to share what i believe.. and what i think of it... =)


Thursday, November 29, 2012


Aloha girls and boys!!!
i'm back with abother video and photo shoot i did with my friend DEA
BTW! check out her blog. she's amazing!
Behing those cute concept and awesome outfits it's all hers.. well i helped a little bit =P
so this is for her school project it called Flower MEOWER (how cute!!!)


how is it? tell me!!! NOW lol!
 leave a comment bellow 

Don't forget to check out 
Instagram : acupofkey

CU there!
triple XOXO


Thursday, November 8, 2012


oh! hey there... I'm MR.KEY.. you like my mustache? hemm hem??
ehm.. just want to let you guys know.. to follow my instagram.. ok??

what?? where? oops.. o yeah! it's : acupofkey..
remember.. acupofkey
also my twitter.. cupofkey without "a" CUPOFKEY

ok? CU there!
MUACH! key

DIY! Mixed Berries Nail Colors

SAY HELLO TO FALL! or maybe Winter?
for me it's still summer/ rainy /hot /SINGAPORE??
anyway.. i want to share my tricks to you all how i manage to get a different colours of nail polish without BUYING A NEW ONE!!
 just find any colours you have.. 2 or maybe 3 colors.. but remember the colour circle.. ok?
in this case.. i want to mix these 2 nail colours to more warm and wintery,fall feel colors.
get it? SUMMER.. FALL..
yeah.. soo! check it out!

 I hope it help? to be more experimenting and stuff..
just do it for fun guys..
pink+orange? blue+green? etc 
more post coming SOON! soo
on twitter :
on instagram : acupofkey
on Facebook : Click a boo 


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day by Day (Dody+Friska)

 hi hi hi!!!!
i'm back with the first ever wedding photo shoot that i ever done =)
hahaha.. well as you guys know that i'm still amature just do it for fun but! still.. 'HAVE TO DO MY BEST!
CLICK A BOO!!! i miss taking pictures and my miss my sister/ best friend/clickabooing partner DP!!!! =((
it's not easy to work alone

Meet Dody and Friska! the cutest and creative couple ever.. with all their ideas and funny faces..
They just made my job easier =)
Also!! Check out the StopMotion Video

 HOW is it?? OK? NOT? how? how? give me comments =)
still more to come! more tutorial, DIY thingy..
now i'm in the middle of busy school work.. just wait for me!! =)


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Last Friday, i went to small youth gathering in my church (Persekutuan doa). The speaker talk about the BIG WHY in your life. It's really made me realize and start to think and i Just want to share it with you guys =)

Playing with shadow =)

SO! who doesn't want to be SUCCESSFUL? who doesn't want to be RICH? who doesn't want to be HAPPY?
well.. just face it everybody wants to be all of that!!
A lot of time what we think is how.. "HOW to be success? HOW??!! I want to be happy"...
I read books about "How to be fashion designer" "fashion for dummies"(for me)
well, it's GOOD, we have to know how.. BUT!! WE are too focusing about "HOW HOW HOW???"
UNTIL! we forgot about WHY? the reason behind all of it, behind all of the hard works.
is it because "i don't know, my mom wants me to be this, to be that!" or "I want to impress my boyfriend" cause, if that it. SOMEDAY you're gonna STOP.
without the reasons WHY,
Someday you'll realize "WTH am i doing here?"
Someday when you reach the TOP, you'll think "who needs all of this? if this is not what i'm looking for or if i'm not happy."

Find your WHY.. take it slow.. sometimes it's just as a simple as "it's makes me Happy" or "I just love it" =)
or someday you'll realize it, trough ups and down, happy and sad, love and hate.

Good Luck finding your reasons WHY =)
time limit: for the rest of your life

Love, Key

CUTE and you KNOW it!!

Draw random things when i'm bored and here is she "Cute and she, you, me KNOW IT!" 
