Saturday, July 30, 2011

SFP (Surabaya Fashion Parade)

in May, there is a big fashion competition in Surabaya called SFP
and i'm participate in young designer category.
I'M NOT WIN huhuhuhuhu =(
well i've do my BEST and no hard feeling,cause all the winners really diserve it
I think Fashion in Indonesia hv been improve much, the creativity, culture and fashion sence
The Theme for this competition is 5 elemens (water,fire,wood,metal and earth)

I'm in Singapore!!!

Yeahh.. i've moved to Singapore for studying Fashion Design
in... NAFA! (Nanyang Academy of Fines Art)
Very excited.. can't wait for first day school next monday!
even though i only hv a little room and hv to learn to manage money
i'm still happy!
love love love SINGAPORE
here some pict i've shoot in Singapore X)

Introducing.. Click a Boo!

hahaha, sorry for not updating my blog.. soo busy lately.
BUT!! i hv made a very little photography company =P called CLICK-a-BOO!
because i like taking pict soo much.. me and my best friend/sister DP.
Click a boo is like a place where we pour all our creativity and turn it into a photograph =)

I will upload my pictures soon.. =D
XD hope you all like it