Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Last Friday, i went to small youth gathering in my church (Persekutuan doa). The speaker talk about the BIG WHY in your life. It's really made me realize and start to think and i Just want to share it with you guys =)

Playing with shadow =)

SO! who doesn't want to be SUCCESSFUL? who doesn't want to be RICH? who doesn't want to be HAPPY?
well.. just face it everybody wants to be all of that!!
A lot of time what we think is how.. "HOW to be success? HOW??!! I want to be happy"...
I read books about "How to be fashion designer" "fashion for dummies"(for me)
well, it's GOOD, we have to know how.. BUT!! WE are too focusing about "HOW HOW HOW???"
UNTIL! we forgot about WHY? the reason behind all of it, behind all of the hard works.
is it because "i don't know, my mom wants me to be this, to be that!" or "I want to impress my boyfriend" cause, if that it. SOMEDAY you're gonna STOP.
without the reasons WHY,
Someday you'll realize "WTH am i doing here?"
Someday when you reach the TOP, you'll think "who needs all of this? if this is not what i'm looking for or if i'm not happy."

Find your WHY.. take it slow.. sometimes it's just as a simple as "it's makes me Happy" or "I just love it" =)
or someday you'll realize it, trough ups and down, happy and sad, love and hate.

Good Luck finding your reasons WHY =)
time limit: for the rest of your life

Love, Key

CUTE and you KNOW it!!

Draw random things when i'm bored and here is she "Cute and she, you, me KNOW IT!" 
