Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Met my new little friend!

It's not like a real person..
it's just my new camera IXUS 230 HS. Finally i bought one.. cause i really need a pocket camera for every thing that's inspire me..
Many times i felt like "i wish i bring my camera =( ".. but SLR is so big and heavy.. i can't carry it every day.. (you know.. Singapore.. walk walk)

at first, i really want the pink one, but.. after rethink it purple is rare and unique.. 
it have many fun effect like slow motion video, toy camera, fish eye, etc
and this is some photos i shots with my little buddy! using toy camera effect.

Li Bao's Birthday present!

beautiful sky =) view from NAFA library

Soo i just really LOVE LOVE LOVE my new little purple friend =)
I bought it with my own savings.. I recommend this new canon camera for you guys.. they came out with many cute colors!

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