Sunday, March 18, 2012

Home is Wherever I'm with You

the time that me and my friends from arva has been waiting for...
Ce Silvi's Wedding..
Just for her wedding, i flew back to Surabaya from Singapore.. (LOVE YOU!)
I have known ce Silvi for 2 years now.. And we're best friend..
even though our age 4 years apart, she's like my own sister. 
As soon as She introduce me to SHUK" adi.. (well, koko Adi) there is one thing in my mind..
They have Chemistry
Ce silvi have a kind heart, loving ,caring person and THE LEBAY/PANIC person like "GUILA" (stand for crazy) "GUENDENG" (super crazy) "GUILANII" (yuck) hahaha in the other hand she have Ko Adi who is a positive and patient person, that can always calm her down..

Their wedding is really fun and casual which is fantastic! and the decoration it's just too CUTE!
check their pre-wedd video by Ian Photography! it's just.... so... speechless* hahahah

They really Deserve one another =)
Happy Wedding to ce Silvi and SHUK"!
Wish you two a wonderful life and GBU

P.S waiting for little baby =)

Check them out: IanPhotography

Cheers, XOXO

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