Monday, November 28, 2011

Paper Doll Project

Start from the right top, Wig or powdered hair,Stocking, shift,corset, hip pad,petticoat and the dress. 

This is my Paper doll project for history of fashion class. I worked so hard for this project, no sleep for 2 days to make it as perfect as possible. Well i did my best and enjoy working on it, cause it is a unique assignment (start from research, 6 illustrations of adaptation, paper doll). Even tough i end up went to school by a taxi in the next day cause i over slept! =P hahahha 

My theme is neoclassicism (1775-1795) where Mary Antoinette ruled as a Queen of French and being a huge influence in fashion back then. It's really interesting learning and knowing what people wear in 12th-19th centuries. How complicated, unique, and why so many layers they wore. Maybe next time i can post some unique informations about fashion histories =) 
Thank you to my lovely history teacher Debra Theresa De Cotta, who really inspired me to work hard and never give up.



  1. hey!
    i'm now a nafa student year 1 and i'm doing the same theme "neoclassism"

    can i ask you for some reference?

    thanks before.
    your paper doll project is lovely :)

    debra said your paperdoll is graded A :D

  2. OMG.. i'm so so sorry.. super sorry for the late reply..
    well thank you..
    neoclassism it's quite simple than any theme for me, so just keep it creative and neat? =)
    hope it's not to late
