Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretty Rock! nail.

hahahaha!! i don't know what I'm thinking right now.. but i really want to share my hobby in nail art =P
This is my first tutorial!! i think =P just for fun

First, paint all your nails with the colour you want
1. Take some regular tape, then measure your nail and make any shape you like
2. Cut it out.
3. Stick it on your nail, but gift the right space every nail ( same space or not, up to you )
4. Fill the space with different colour, for me i fill it with black colour
don't forget to give a top coat, it'll give more shine to your nails and it'll stay longer

TRY IT! it's fun! =)
try with another colours, shapes and just be creative! 
Express yourself 

good luck.XOXO

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