Saturday, January 21, 2012

Don't Take the Poo,but Take the EGG!

              2011 has been a wonderful year and for some reason it's feels like the time goes by too FAST!
in the end of 2011, i kept thinking what i've done for that whole year, have i done enough? and i just realize that i'm not Thank full enough to God, for my Life, my Family, my Friends and my Dream.  
              In 1st January 2012, i went to church with my sister and brother, and the Homily talks about happiness and be positive. Once, there was a farmers, farmer A always goes to his chicken field with grumpy face after seeing all the poo inside the farm, but farmer B always happy because he is excited about  the eggs instead of focusing the poo which the poo will make the grass more fertile. As a person, we kept focusing about the negative things (about how bad our friend, how the service in the restaurant sucks, about how many our homework are ,etc) instead of wonderful things around us (you can get up on time, how funny your friends are, etc). Why we are wasting our times and energy being unhappy? well, doesn't meant that we have to be always "HAPPY". "it's ok not to be OK" remember? but! behind every problems and mistakes there is a beautiful things waiting for us.

Happy New year GUYS  =) have a wonderful year.. 

*and if you have something to share just email me. i'll try to reply it =)