Saturday, January 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

OK.. i know.. hahaha this post it's like "sooooo super duper triple YESTERDAY!!!"
but.. i really want to share this!!! i have a really nice holiday for like 1 month?
I spend 1 month of the holiday in Surabaya but spend Christmas and New Year in Singapore..
It's good to be back.. sad but still great full.. =)
ALSO! i LOVE and miss MY FRIENDS here!!!
and i had a give exchange for christmas with my house mate! and it is sooo super FUN!

 The exciting part is! i get a change to ice skating after 8 years because it's closed in Surabaya, so in last November i went to Kallang Singapore to skate. It was great until the shoes hurt my leg ==" hahah still.. it's FUN with my classmate.

ALSO! i watched WICKED the musical.. and it was SUPER AWESOME!!! if you guys wanna watch it! don't sit behind like me... ==" i'm so sad about that.. cause i bought the cheapest ticket ahaahahaha well.. even though it will cost you about  S$150-180 totally WORTH IT!  
I'm also visiting TITANIC exhibition, speechless.. so COOL!
VISIT it guys! all at MARINA BAY SANDS Museum/Theater,Singapore

Well.. that's my Holiday.. =) how about you guys?
try start to think or plan about family vacation or something cool for the next holiday, so it will cost less? =)

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