Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy 20th B'day!! toooo... youuuuuuu

This video dedicated to my best friend, click a boo partner and SISTER= CE DP!!

Hope you like it! and Happy Birthday!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Victoria's Secret 2011


I'm always wondering, why people like Victoria's Secret like CRAZY, in my mind i just think "they're just skinny,pretty girls in lingerie"(or just Jealous =P)
last year, I went to Arva school of fashion and they showed me a video of the whole making proses until the fashion show of VS.. 
"OUW! that's why!"
In the fashion show of VS ,when all the angles come out from back stage, the music start, all the decoration, how confident the models and the most important thing that makes me love the show is the BEAUTIFUL,UNIQUE ACCESSORIES they wore, you can feel the excitement. 
OMG!!!! I LOVE the colours! the themes! how the garments moves! 
If you a fashion person, you'll understand =)

CHECK it OUT! the making process of VS's show 2010:

It is not always about how skinny or pretty they look, it's about the costumes, the details of every garments and the confident. (People who work behind the scene) who makes the show really AWESOME 


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretty Rock! nail.

hahahaha!! i don't know what I'm thinking right now.. but i really want to share my hobby in nail art =P
This is my first tutorial!! i think =P just for fun

Different thing

Be Strong. not Act Strong-Key
It's OK not to be OK- Jessie J

Monday, November 28, 2011


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Friendship is Precious

 But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.

Jessica and Amelia, BFF photo shoot, March 2011



Paper Doll Project

Start from the right top, Wig or powdered hair,Stocking, shift,corset, hip pad,petticoat and the dress. 


There are some people who like to bring other people down. 
Especially in designs world, some people are so CRUEL and don't think about others feeling. Every one have their own OPINION,their own TASTE and their own JUDGEMENT. 
"who wants to wear this ugly dress?"
"you know who? a WHORE will"

Click-a-boo, Cella's presweet, March 2011

THIS IS IT guys! Take it or leave it? Deal with it or give up?
Hear, absorb, learn every positive and useful things they said 
BUT! don't throw all the mean things they said, turn it as a motivation to proof to them next time or even in the future!
maybe you'll think "ooo Ketty! it's so easy for you to say but it's hard~" HELL yeah it's HARD! 
hahahhaha!!! just don't let other people kill your dream. 

People don't tell you who you are. You tell them!



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

if you love it, you'll LOVE it!

After 4 months in NAFA, doing Fashion Major, didn't sleep, work hard, and doing stuff stuff.. hahaha. well it is NOT it's not easy STUFF"! a lot of project, OF COURSE ,you want to make you teacher satisfy with you work and sometimes they just don't! hahahha so i have to work harder, which is a good thing, right? ==" but every little bloody tiring things that you do , if you love it, you'll LOVE it more. cause you doing with smile on you face and a positive thinking! (so am i a motivator now?) hahahah!
SO! the point is, i didn't have much time to update my blog. =( but now I DO! it's HOLIDAY time, but not just for this holiday, i will try harder to make some times for posting interesting and inspiring things every week, like Arva annual fashion show 2013, pictures, drawings , tutorial? and lot more! yey! (who cares? well i do! just for FUN, ok.. i'm over excited) ok.bye KEEP ROCKIN!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

SFP (Surabaya Fashion Parade)

in May, there is a big fashion competition in Surabaya called SFP
and i'm participate in young designer category.
I'M NOT WIN huhuhuhuhu =(
well i've do my BEST and no hard feeling,cause all the winners really diserve it
I think Fashion in Indonesia hv been improve much, the creativity, culture and fashion sence
The Theme for this competition is 5 elemens (water,fire,wood,metal and earth)

I'm in Singapore!!!

Yeahh.. i've moved to Singapore for studying Fashion Design
in... NAFA! (Nanyang Academy of Fines Art)
Very excited.. can't wait for first day school next monday!
even though i only hv a little room and hv to learn to manage money
i'm still happy!
love love love SINGAPORE
here some pict i've shoot in Singapore X)

Introducing.. Click a Boo!

hahaha, sorry for not updating my blog.. soo busy lately.
BUT!! i hv made a very little photography company =P called CLICK-a-BOO!
because i like taking pict soo much.. me and my best friend/sister DP.
Click a boo is like a place where we pour all our creativity and turn it into a photograph =)

I will upload my pictures soon.. =D
XD hope you all like it