Wednesday, November 16, 2011

if you love it, you'll LOVE it!

After 4 months in NAFA, doing Fashion Major, didn't sleep, work hard, and doing stuff stuff.. hahaha. well it is NOT it's not easy STUFF"! a lot of project, OF COURSE ,you want to make you teacher satisfy with you work and sometimes they just don't! hahahha so i have to work harder, which is a good thing, right? ==" but every little bloody tiring things that you do , if you love it, you'll LOVE it more. cause you doing with smile on you face and a positive thinking! (so am i a motivator now?) hahahah!
SO! the point is, i didn't have much time to update my blog. =( but now I DO! it's HOLIDAY time, but not just for this holiday, i will try harder to make some times for posting interesting and inspiring things every week, like Arva annual fashion show 2013, pictures, drawings , tutorial? and lot more! yey! (who cares? well i do! just for FUN, ok.. i'm over excited) ok.bye KEEP ROCKIN!

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