Saturday, April 21, 2012


well hello! finally i have finished my year 1 in fashion design major. AND IT IS EXHAUSTING, but i enjoy every minutes of it, except for the part where i don't have enough sleep and my eye turned into PANDA's eye.

here's what happened in this month. Pictures describe everything better then words right? =)
HAPPY EASTER everyone!!!

ARAB st; Textile centre;china town,Singapore, have been my new best friend (places where i buys fabrics)

evening sun! Still captures everything arounds me. Everything that makes stop and look at it for view seconds

Joining DENiZEN redesign Jeans competition (my lovely and beautiful model Olynce)
my first international competition (back stage of runway)

Congratulation to my SISTER,Kelyn!
Just finished book number 1, LOVE IT! now i'm reading catching fire. 

yeah,yeah,yeah... I'm Falling in LOVE with PEETA MELLARK character (Josh Huncherson too since i was 12?!) !!

i have finished all of my school works for this 1 year and  my hair is getting longer and sometimes i want to chop it off! 
AND! that's it! 
i'll start blogging, sewing, clicking my camera, exercising, working, volunteering and enjoy my holiday.

XOXO, Key  

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